Book Review: “From the Moon to the Sun” by C.J. Phillips

Cj Phillips’ debut collection is nothing short of a masterpiece. This book is raw in its emotions and it’s also truthful. Healing is not linear, it’s a complicated and winding path. Phillips outlines a journey through a traumatic relationship, the process of healing, and the tentative nature of trusting again.

I find myself coming back to this collection time and time again. The writing is beautiful, the line breaks and rhythm on another level, and most importantly: these poems make you feel something. Although she writes about very specific experiences, they feel universal in a way that has the reader deeply connecting with each page.

My favorite thing about this collection is the honesty. Not once does she write herself as a victim. Instead, she’s a survivor. Or she’s flawed, making bad decisions, and finding herself at the mercy of men with bad intentions. The world is not black and white and we all make mistakes, so seeing this so honestly portrayed in a book about trauma and self discovery: five stars.

The narrative itself is fantastic. This truly reads like a story from start to finish. I couldn’t put it down and of the four times I’ve read it, I always finish it in one sitting. If you’ve ever experienced trauma, a bad relationship, or even if you’ve simply been unsure of yourself, you need to read this book.

You can buy this book on Amazon


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